
What’s in a name?

The name Eco-Systems Gardens intends to convey this company’s focus on systems, both ecological and practical. When designing a garden, special attention is paid not only to the specific ecological needs of your space—runoff management, composting, etc.—but also to the future maintenance needs of the garden. Gardens are implemented with the future needs of your plants and easily sustainable maintenance systems in mind. You may choose to hire Eco-Systems to maintain your garden at whatever level you desire, but the company also offers educational consultations for those of you who are looking to expand your horticultural knowledge and may just need a little boost to be able to maintain your own garden.

Meet the Owner

Eco-Systems is owned by me, Elizabeth Fortson. My credentials include an MS in Environmental Science and Policy from Johns Hopkins University and years of landscaping industry experience here in the greater Boston area. Previously, I worked as the manager of a community forestry program at a watershed-based nonprofit in Baltimore. In college, I spent time in Lijiang, China, studying the sustainable agroforestry practices of the Naxi people.

Thus, I not only know how to grow a garden, but I also operate from a place of deep understanding of the Earth and its systems. Moreover, I have a global perspective and specialty knowledge in many areas of environmental sustainability and land management, both abstract and in practice

It is my dream to help people connect with the land and the plants around them. I believe that the world would be a better place if we all appreciated the beauty and wonder of the natural world, and appreciated our plant relatives for all they provide to us. I would love to help you turn your garden into the space of your dreams!