Garden Maintenance
Routine, hands-on visits focused on optimizing the health of all plants in your garden.
Seasonal Projects
Hire Eco-Systems for a one-time project, such as spring clean-ups, pruning of shrubs and ornamental trees, fall leaf clean-ups, or bulb plantings.
Garden Design
Whether you want to to spruce up an overgrown garden bed or design a new dream space, Eco-Systems can help. The company uses lower-environmental-impact planting methods such as starting plants from seed on-site or putting in smaller plants that do not need heavy machinery to move. Let the plants do all the work, and the savings in material and labor costs are passed on to you!
Specialty Design
Eco-Systems can design and install specialty projects to increase the sustainability of your garden. The company specializes in custom engineered rain gardens, rain barrel systems, composting systems, pollinator gardens, wildlife shelters, and so much more! Inquire today about these or any other sustainability-enhancing services you would like to try.
Education Consultation | $25/hr
Routine Garden Maintenance | $30/hr
Seasonal Projects | $40/hr
Project Installation | $50/hr
Design | $50/hr
Debris Removal | Regular hourly rate if you have bags picked up on the curb or composted on-site. However, if dumping is necessary (huge leaf clean-up, etc.) you will pay the hourly rate for labor plus the cost of dumping, usually between $200-300.
Garden Materials | I do not mark up materials; you pay the exact amount I pay for plants and materials purchased for the garden.
Contact form: | Somerville, MA | Serving Greater Boston